Variable default

default: {
    Auth: typeof Auth;
    Social: typeof default;
    assets: __module;
    lst: ((lexcodes) => any);
    mcTokenToolbox: {
        fromMclcToken: ((auth, token, refresh?) => null | Minecraft | Promise<Minecraft>);
        fromToken: {
            (auth, token): null | Minecraft;
            (auth, token, refresh?): Promise<Minecraft>;
        validate: ((token) => boolean);
    wrapError: ((code) => {
        message: any;
        name: "error" | "load" | "error.auth" | "" | "error.auth.xboxLive" | "error.auth.xsts" | "error.auth.xsts.userNotFound" | "error.auth.xsts.bannedCountry" | "error.auth.xsts.child" | "error.auth.xsts.child.SK" | "error.auth.minecraft" | "error.auth.minecraft.login" | "error.auth.minecraft.profile" | "error.auth.minecraft.entitlements" | "error.gui" | "error.gui.closed" | "error.gui.raw.noBrowser" | "error.state.invalid" | "error.state.invalid.http" | "error.state.invalid.gui" | "error.state.invalid.redirect" | "error.state.invalid.electron" | "load.auth" | "" | "load.auth.xboxLive" | "load.auth.xboxLive.1" | "load.auth.xboxLive.2" | "load.auth.xsts" | "load.auth.minecraft" | "load.auth.minecraft.login" | "load.auth.minecraft.profile" | "load.auth.minecraft.gamepass" | "gui" | "gui.title" | "";
        opt: ExptOpts;

Type declaration

  • Auth: typeof Auth
  • Social: typeof default
  • assets: __module
  • lst: ((lexcodes) => any)
      • (lexcodes): any
      • Parameters

        • lexcodes: "error" | "load" | "error.auth" | "" | "error.auth.xboxLive" | "error.auth.xsts" | "error.auth.xsts.userNotFound" | "error.auth.xsts.bannedCountry" | "error.auth.xsts.child" | "error.auth.xsts.child.SK" | "error.auth.minecraft" | "error.auth.minecraft.login" | "error.auth.minecraft.profile" | "error.auth.minecraft.entitlements" | "error.gui" | "error.gui.closed" | "error.gui.raw.noBrowser" | "error.state.invalid" | "error.state.invalid.http" | "error.state.invalid.gui" | "error.state.invalid.redirect" | "error.state.invalid.electron" | "load.auth" | "" | "load.auth.xboxLive" | "load.auth.xboxLive.1" | "load.auth.xboxLive.2" | "load.auth.xsts" | "load.auth.minecraft" | "load.auth.minecraft.login" | "load.auth.minecraft.profile" | "load.auth.minecraft.gamepass" | "gui" | "gui.title" | ""

        Returns any

  • mcTokenToolbox: {
        fromMclcToken: ((auth, token, refresh?) => null | Minecraft | Promise<Minecraft>);
        fromToken: {
            (auth, token): null | Minecraft;
            (auth, token, refresh?): Promise<Minecraft>;
        validate: ((token) => boolean);
    • fromMclcToken: ((auth, token, refresh?) => null | Minecraft | Promise<Minecraft>)
        • (auth, token, refresh?): null | Minecraft | Promise<Minecraft>
        • Gets a Minecraft token from a saved mcToken.


          • auth: Auth

            A new instance of the Auth object

          • token: MclcUser

            The mcToken

          • Optional refresh: boolean

          Returns null | Minecraft | Promise<Minecraft>

          A newly serialized Minecraft Token.


          The Xbox object may not be restored using this method!

    • fromToken: {
          (auth, token): null | Minecraft;
          (auth, token, refresh?): Promise<Minecraft>;
        • (auth, token): null | Minecraft
        • Gets a Minecraft token from a saved mcToken.


          • auth: Auth

            A new instance of the Auth object

          • token: MCToken

            The mcToken

          Returns null | Minecraft

          A newly serialized Minecraft Token.


          The Xbox object may not be restored using this method!

        • (auth, token, refresh?): Promise<Minecraft>
        • Parameters

          • auth: Auth
          • token: MCToken
          • Optional refresh: boolean

          Returns Promise<Minecraft>

    • validate: ((token) => boolean)
        • (token): boolean
        • Validates MC tokens to check if they're valid.


          Returns boolean

  • wrapError: ((code) => {
        message: any;
        name: "error" | "load" | "error.auth" | "" | "error.auth.xboxLive" | "error.auth.xsts" | "error.auth.xsts.userNotFound" | "error.auth.xsts.bannedCountry" | "error.auth.xsts.child" | "error.auth.xsts.child.SK" | "error.auth.minecraft" | "error.auth.minecraft.login" | "error.auth.minecraft.profile" | "error.auth.minecraft.entitlements" | "error.gui" | "error.gui.closed" | "error.gui.raw.noBrowser" | "error.state.invalid" | "error.state.invalid.http" | "error.state.invalid.gui" | "error.state.invalid.redirect" | "error.state.invalid.electron" | "load.auth" | "" | "load.auth.xboxLive" | "load.auth.xboxLive.1" | "load.auth.xboxLive.2" | "load.auth.xsts" | "load.auth.minecraft" | "load.auth.minecraft.login" | "load.auth.minecraft.profile" | "load.auth.minecraft.gamepass" | "gui" | "gui.title" | "";
        opt: ExptOpts;
      • (code): {
            message: any;
            name: "error" | "load" | "error.auth" | "" | "error.auth.xboxLive" | "error.auth.xsts" | "error.auth.xsts.userNotFound" | "error.auth.xsts.bannedCountry" | "error.auth.xsts.child" | "error.auth.xsts.child.SK" | "error.auth.minecraft" | "error.auth.minecraft.login" | "error.auth.minecraft.profile" | "error.auth.minecraft.entitlements" | "error.gui" | "error.gui.closed" | "error.gui.raw.noBrowser" | "error.state.invalid" | "error.state.invalid.http" | "error.state.invalid.gui" | "error.state.invalid.redirect" | "error.state.invalid.electron" | "load.auth" | "" | "load.auth.xboxLive" | "load.auth.xboxLive.1" | "load.auth.xboxLive.2" | "load.auth.xsts" | "load.auth.minecraft" | "load.auth.minecraft.login" | "load.auth.minecraft.profile" | "load.auth.minecraft.gamepass" | "gui" | "gui.title" | "";
            opt: ExptOpts;
      • Parameters

        • code: any

        Returns {
            message: any;
            name: "error" | "load" | "error.auth" | "" | "error.auth.xboxLive" | "error.auth.xsts" | "error.auth.xsts.userNotFound" | "error.auth.xsts.bannedCountry" | "error.auth.xsts.child" | "error.auth.xsts.child.SK" | "error.auth.minecraft" | "error.auth.minecraft.login" | "error.auth.minecraft.profile" | "error.auth.minecraft.entitlements" | "error.gui" | "error.gui.closed" | "error.gui.raw.noBrowser" | "error.state.invalid" | "error.state.invalid.http" | "error.state.invalid.gui" | "error.state.invalid.redirect" | "error.state.invalid.electron" | "load.auth" | "" | "load.auth.xboxLive" | "load.auth.xboxLive.1" | "load.auth.xboxLive.2" | "load.auth.xsts" | "load.auth.minecraft" | "load.auth.minecraft.login" | "load.auth.minecraft.profile" | "load.auth.minecraft.gamepass" | "gui" | "gui.title" | "";
            opt: ExptOpts;

        • message: any
        • name: "error" | "load" | "error.auth" | "" | "error.auth.xboxLive" | "error.auth.xsts" | "error.auth.xsts.userNotFound" | "error.auth.xsts.bannedCountry" | "error.auth.xsts.child" | "error.auth.xsts.child.SK" | "error.auth.minecraft" | "error.auth.minecraft.login" | "error.auth.minecraft.profile" | "error.auth.minecraft.entitlements" | "error.gui" | "error.gui.closed" | "error.gui.raw.noBrowser" | "error.state.invalid" | "error.state.invalid.http" | "error.state.invalid.gui" | "error.state.invalid.redirect" | "error.state.invalid.electron" | "load.auth" | "" | "load.auth.xboxLive" | "load.auth.xboxLive.1" | "load.auth.xboxLive.2" | "load.auth.xsts" | "load.auth.minecraft" | "load.auth.minecraft.login" | "load.auth.minecraft.profile" | "load.auth.minecraft.gamepass" | "gui" | "gui.title" | ""
        • opt: ExptOpts

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