

  • Parameters

    • Rest ...path: string[]

    Returns Dir


path: string[]


  • Returns true if the file matches what is expected.


    • Optional chk: {
          sha1?: string | string[];
          size?: number;
      • Optional sha1?: string | string[]
      • Optional size?: number

    Returns boolean

  • Copies this file or directory to a set location


    Returns void

  • Checks if this file exists

    Returns boolean

  • Gets a new directory relative to this directory


    • Rest ..._file: string[]

    Returns Dir

  • Gets a new file relative to this directory


    • Rest ..._file: string[]

    Returns File

  • Returns a hash of all the sub files in a folder


    • algorithm: string = "sha1"

    Returns string

  • Gets the name of this directory

    Returns string

  • Returns the amount of files in a directory

    Returns number

  • Checks if a directory is a symbolic link

    Returns boolean

  • Checks if a directory or file is in a relative or absolute state

    Returns boolean

  • Returns a java path off this directory or file

    Returns string

  • Creates a system link to a set file or directory using this file or folder as the the placeholder for the link (similar to linkTo)


    • path: string | string[] | Dir

    Returns void

  • Creates a system link to this file and puts the link at the destination file that was provided as input (similar to linkFrom)


    • dest: string | string[] | Dir

    Returns void

  • Double checks if the directory exists

    Returns Dir

  • Moves this file or directory to a set location


    Returns Dir

  • Checks if an expected hash matches with this object. (@see getHash)


    • expected: string | string[]

    Returns boolean

  • Checks if the size value given matches with this object. (@see getSize)


    • expected: number

    Returns boolean

  • Return the system path of a directory

    Returns string

  • Does the same as the sysPath function

    Returns string

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